Welcome to the PSZ Düsseldorf

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Help for survivors of torture, war, violence

People from crisis regions of the world are looking for protection in Germany. They need support to start a new life – a social, ethical and professional challenge.

The Psychosocial Center for Refugees Düsseldorf e. V. (PSZ Düsseldorf) is a counseling and therapy institution for traumatized and mentally burdened refugees, for survivors of torture and human rights violations. Annually around 1000 people (about 650 clients and their families) from over 50 countries receive support here.

A multi-professional and transcultural team offers psychotherapy and counseling, social work support, medical examination and assessment, diagnostics, crisis intervention, statements and expert assessments in different languages ​​(e.g. Arabic, Dari, German, English, Farsi, French, Turkish) and also with help of language and cultural mediators.

But the need is much greater. In order to improve the care of all refugees, the PSZ Düsseldorf offers advanced education on trauma, culture and asylum-specific topics, for professionals and volunteers in the health, social and youth sectors. In addition, the PSZ Düsseldorf is actively engaged in protecting refugees against the public and decision-makers – because security is a human right and fundamental for healing.

The PSZ Düsseldorf exists since 1987 and is supported by a non-profit association, which belongs to the Diakonisches Werk Rheinland-Westfalen-Lippe. The work is funded by project funds, public grants and donations.